What should I expect when I book a massage therapy session? You will receive an appointment confirmation from either the therapist or from the online booking/scheduling site, Massage Books. Many massage techniques and tools may be used during the session depending on the focus and goals. For example, petrissage, effleurage, trigger point, pin and stretch, myofascial release techniques (with or without Gua Sha tools), lymph massage, etc. Jojoba oil is used as well as essential oils (when it supports the goals of the session).

Appointments: when you arrive at 11 Parkwood Dr. in Augusta, Maine you will park in the parking lot and follow the paved pathway down to the building behind the white mansion. When you enter, please take your shoes off and leave them in one of the boot trays. You are welcome to hang your jacket and take a pair of slippers. Please wait in one of the two chairs just inside the door next to the fire place.

What do I wear during a massage therapy session? You can wear as much clothing as makes you comfortable and no less than a pair of underwear.

What should I expect when I book a reflexology session? You will receive an appointment confirmation from either the therapist or from the online booking/scheduling site, Massage Books. A reflexology session involves work being done on either the hands or feet. This is done on a massage therapy table with the feet elevated with pillows or bolsters. Castor oil is used with essential oils (when it supports the goals of the session). You may experience tender points in your feet or hands. Please be sure to let the therapist know if the points become painful or uncomfortable.

What do I wear during a reflexology session? Reflexology is done completely clothed. Wearing comfortable clothing with loose pant legs is recommended.

What if I fall asleep during a session? Whether you fall asleep during massage therapy session or a reflexology session, the massage therapist considers it a compliment as it indicates the work has helped achieve a state of rest, which also helps the body digest. The treatment room is a safe space for people to allow themselves to release anything that no longer is serving them physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually.

Should I fill out the intake form online or in person? Filling out the intake form online ahead of time allows for the whole session time to be used for physical assessment and hands-on work. If the intake form is completed in person that is counted as part of your session time, so the hands-on time will be less than the total session time.

To tip or not to tip? Tipping is always gratefully accepted but never expected.

Questions: for any questions please send an email to jwinter@revitalizme.com or call 207-517-2570.