
See my Contact page to email, call, or click the booking link to schedule an appointment.

*Therapeutic Massage: utilizes massage techniques that help to reduce stress, decrease pain, improve movement, and increase relaxation.

   >Swedish massage techniques include: rubbing, kneading, stroking, and tapping.

   >Deep tissue techniques include: slow strokes, direct pressure, or friction strokes across the muscle fiber.

   >Trigger point massage targets specific points of muscle tension or knots.

*Myofascial Techniques are techniques that focus on relieving pain in the thick connective tissue that supports muscles, bones, and organs. Tight myofascial tissue can cause restrictions to muscles and joints. Myofascial techniques can feel like a slow stretching or compression of tight or tense areas where there is restriction.

*Reflexology is a type of manual therapy where the massage practitioner applies gentle to moderate pressure to specific points on your feet. Reflexology is meant to help reduce stress, increase relaxation, and help the body feel and move better.

*Aromatherapy is a style of massage therapy that incorporates the application of scented essential oils to the body during the session. The use of essential oils can help to reduce fatigue, reduce pain, can help with anxiety, improve sleep, and reduce stress.

*Work Place Chair Massage: if you are looking for a way to give back to your employees, members, or clients Contact me about coordinating an in-office chair massage. I bring the massage chair and you provide a space that can be semi-private or private to provide a relaxing chair massage. **Chair massage is a massage from the waist up, it is done with the client completely clothed focusing on the back, shoulders, neck, head, arms, and hands. Oils and lotions can be used on the arms and hands, if desired. This is great for PD days at schools, business offices, medical offices, real estate offices, etc.